After your time at the Mariposa House ends I invite you to receive ongoing support as you integrate back into your life and take action to realign your life with this new person that you’ve become.
During your time here you will experience a major shift. When you return home, you might feel like you’ve energetically outgrown pieces of your life. You may feel the need to make unexpected changes to your life. Like purging old stuff from closets and cupboards, or buying new clothes more reflective of who you are. Or maybe you’re all of a sudden wanting to move. It can be anything that helps your life feel more aligned with who you are now.
After my seven day Mariposa Expansion Experience I felt like I needed to make changes to my home and daily routines to create more space for my continued expansion. I worked with a local feng shui master who rearranged my house so my life in a major way.
Rebirth is designed to support you as you realign your life upon your return. Often people tell me how brave I am to make the changes in my life to align me with my purpose. I don’t feel like I’m brave. I have a deep knowing what is needed to elevate me to my next level.
When you leave here you too will have your own knowing of what needs to be done to create an authentic life that supports you on your path to your magical next chapter.
Rebirth is a small online group where we will meet regularly to share our post retreat experiences as you. Elgin creating your new life.
Creating a new life is no small undertaking. It takes courage, trust and ongoing Divine guidance and action. These calls are designed to keep you in the momentum of this creation.